It’s always hard to write your own about pages. I should have my mom do it, she always has nice things to say about me.
I started making games because I loved to program and I loved to tell stories and the two seemed to intersected nicely.
I wrote a program for the Commodore 64 (greatest computer ever made) called GraphicsBASIC that extended the rather boring built-in Basic that includes commands to gain access to the graphics and sound.
In 1985 I got a job working at Lucasfilm Games (now called LucasArts) porting Koronis Rift and Ballblazer from the Atari 400/800 to the Commodore 64.
In 1986 Gary Winnick and I created and designed Maniac Mansion.
During its production, I developed the SCUMM System (Script Creation Utility for Maniac Mansion).
I co-designed the Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade adventure game with Noah Falstein and David Fox.
I am also the creator and designer of The Secret of Monkey Island and Monkey Island 2: LeChuck’s Revenge. A game about a pirate.
I am the co-founder of Humongous Entertainment where we made some amazing adventure games for kids like Putt-Putt, Freddi Fish and Pajama Sam.
I was the producer of Total Annihilation.
I co-created DeathSpank with Clayton Kauzlaric and was the designer of the first two DeathSpank games.
I worked at Double Fine for a bit making a game I’ve had rolling around in my head for close to 25 years called The Cave. Double Fine was sold to Microsoft, who now owns The Cave, and once again I got nothing and someone else owns my IP.
I released Scurvy Scallywags in The Voyage to Discover the Ultimate Sea Shanty: A Musical Match-3 Pirate RPG (or SSITVTDTUSS:AMMTPRPG for short) for iOS and Android.
I finished a new point & click adventure game called Thimbleweed Park and the completely free Delores.
I then went and made Return to Monkey Island in total secret.
Now I’m working on an action RPGish game due out sometime in 2025.