I have a (paid) art job opening for my side project. I’m not going to say much about the game other than what I’m looking for in an artist. Think of it as a puzzle.
I’m looking for a great 2D pixel tile artist. You need to have experience building tiles sheets for a tile-based game, I would prefer it if you’ve worked on a released game, but if haven’t and your art is just a hobby and you’re really good, that’s OK.
I’m looking for someone that can create a very distinct art style and can help set the look and feel for the game. I’d like someone that can do more than just create art based on a task list, but rather someone that can act like a mini-art director.
- You need to be able to spend 20+ hours a week working on the project for a couple of months.
- This is a PAID position, so you have to have the ability to work.
- Must have prior experience building tile sheets and tile maps (the more the better).
- Understand how to organize a tile sheet and create interconnecting reusable tiles.
- Need to be up on the “state of the art” in terms of pixel tile based games.
- Must love pixel art.
If you’re interested, please contact me and include the following:
- Your name.
- Link to your portfolio/website/etc. It MUST include your tile work, but should also include other work to show you’re a great artist beyond just tile work.
- A list of games you’ve worked on.
- Why you think you’d be awesome for this job.
I can’t emphasize this enough… I want to create a very unique and interesting look for the game that goes beyond the stock 8-bit tile work out there now (not that it isn’t great, just not what I’m looking for). Your portfolio doesn’t have to include that new look, but it should show me you can help create it.
One last note, please don’t post the above details in the comments, use the contact link.