Grumpy Gamer

Ye Olde Grumpy Gamer Blog. Est. 2004

May 2, 2021

It is with great sadness that I found out that Judith Lucero passed away.

Judith was the lead tester on Monkey Island, Monkey Island 2 as well as a vast number of other Lucasfilm games.

She was the one who taught me the importance of testers and how they are a critical gear in the machinery that makes up making a game. Testers aren’t just unit tests in human form. They have a unique perspective on the game and poke not only at the bugs but also the design and the thought process of playing a game.

It’s a lesson I have never forgot and never will and I owe most of that to Judith.

Here is a email Judith and MI2 testers sent me. It goes on for 5 pages. Some of the suggestions were implemented.

“D” bugs were design bugs.