Grumpy Gamer

Ye Olde Grumpy Gamer Blog. Est. 2004

Feb 27, 2019

I buy a lot of games. Most of them I play for 10 minutes just to scope out the competition.

For most games 10 minutes is more than enough.

I bought Dead Cells to other day for just this reason. I heard interesting things about it and thought it warranted a 10 minute “checking out”.

I’m not a platform person. I grew up playing PC games and largely skipped the early Nintendo phase including games like Mario and never fully embraced console gaming. I never got good at platforming and hate it to this very day. There is a lot to like about Spelunky, but the platforming has always gotten in the way and I plough my way though to marvel at the design. The same is true of Celeste.

I expected Dead Cells to be more of the same. But I was wrong. I’m having a great time.

I think the key difference is the platforming in Dead Cells is easy. It doesn’t seem to be a skill they want you to grow in any meaningful way. The “game” isn’t about getting good at complex platformobatics (I just made that word up); it’s more about quick combat skills and building your character. That’s stuff I like and am good at.

For a pixel game its also very polished and has set a new bar for my game. Well done Dead Cells.

Feb 19, 2019

What did you like about Darkest Dungeon? If you hated Darkest Dungeon, I’m not interested in hearing from you, only from those who liked (or so-so liked) it.

Jan 29, 2019


Jan 24, 2019

This always annoyed me. I’m not only glad it annoyed someone else, but glad they decided to make video about it. I feel like I can put years of annoyance to rest now.

Jan 5, 2019

While I am slightly disappointed that SCUMM didn’t make the list of Technology, Ranked, I am perplexed how the screw gets #99 while many of the inventions from #98-#1 couldn’t been made without the screw, so it seems like the screw should be higher on the list. Certainly #1 couldn’t have been made without the screw as well as most of the other deadly inventions, so I blame the screw for all evil human inventions. Screw you screw.