Grumpy Gamer

Ye Olde Grumpy Gamer Blog. Est. 2004

Feb 18, 2018
Feb 18, 2018

This is why I’ll never go to Disneyland. I don’t consider this “enhancing” my ride experience. I find it creepy and invasive. It’s not that I’m bothered by Disney tracking me through the park, it’s that I don’t want my name thrown up on a screen for everyone to see. That is a violation of my privacy.

Feb 16, 2018

Pro-tip for new indie devs: Your hardest game will be your second game.

Feb 13, 2018

If your parent’s old turntable is gathering dust in the basement, oh boy do I have an awesome use for it!

Also worth noting that vinyl will likely still be playable after the apocalypse. MP3s. Not so much. Think of it as an investment in bartering for food in the future.


Feb 6, 2018

I’m a big fan of BBEdit, as a Mac user, it’s my text editor of choice for all but Xcode/C++ programming.

David, Jenn, and I used BBEdit on Thimbleweed Park. I even created a custom syntax coloring scheme for our proprietary language and David added some great keyword based auto expansions.

It’s feature rich and has everything a coder could want. Except for one thing and it drives me crazy to the point that each time I need to do it, it puts a stain on what is by all other accounts, a perfect editing experience.

In Xcode, I can select a word (or words), right click on it and the pop-up menu shows this.

It’s my bread-and-butter for searching.

I can’t do this in BBEdit. The closest I can come is selecting the word, then hitting ⌘-E to Use Selected Text In Find, then ⌘-G to bring up the Search In Project window and click on Find.

This is cumbersome as it requires me to move my hands to the keyboard. (yes, I know super programmers only use the keyboard, but clearly, not all of us do).

If I could get BBEdit to add just one thing, it would be this. Then it would be perfect.

During Thimbleweed Park I wasted several afternoons trying to hack this in with macros, etc.

P.S. To head off the griping/astonishment I get whenever I post a screenshot of my text editor… yes, I enjoy programming with a light/white background. But only for C++. For other languages (in BBEdit), I use a dark/black background. As I am switching between the two all day long, I find my brain needs to strong visual distinction to differentiate the two.