Grumpy Gamer

Ye Olde Grumpy Gamer Blog. Est. 2004

Dec 29, 2020

I didn’t get as much done today as I wanted due to having to “work”. I put “work” in quotes because I make games and is that really work? My college adviser didn’t think it was.

I’m also assuming, much like Ikea furniture, it’s ok to have left over parts. I’m sure the builders of the ancient coliseum had this same issue. A couple of left over 10 ton blocks.

Dec 27, 2020

Almost done. Much like making a game, it’s just polish from here on out.

Dec 26, 2020

The lego kit is packaged in four different boxes that need to be completed in order. I was relived to see this. It keeps the 9000+ piece set from being completely overwhelming.

The pieces come in numbered bags and each step of the instructions tell you what bag you’ll need.

Wish me luck.

Dec 25, 2020

Look what I bought myself for xmas:

It’s Lego’s largest set.

As a kid I played with and build Lego’s non-stop. I’m sure it’s like riding a bike.

I’ll post regular picture of my progress.

Dec 19, 2020

Which of these is the newer version?

1.9.8 or 1.9.13

Dec 12, 2020

I posted before over my frustrations with Microsoft Azure taking so long to do a Windows+Mac build. The frustration reached a boiling point last week when for no reason the Windows build started generating compile errors in stdlib headers. I reverted back to the last build that compiled but the errors continued.

I’ve got to assume something changed in the Azure Windows VM, but there was no mention of it. Maybe it was just a temp glitch.

I decided the time was right to get the game building on AppVeyor if for nothing more than just having a backup.

AppVeyor has some (how to I say this kindly) horrific documentation.

It took me a day to cobble together snippets posted by others on the world wide web but it’s finally working (now I just need to get Linux compiling).

The good news is AppVeyor builds both platforms in around 5 mins (running 2 parallel jobs like Azure was).

Big win over Azure.

What’s interesting is the Mac builds twice as fast as Windows. I don’t know if this is a Visual Studio vs. XCode thing or just the VMs they are running on.

I thought I’d post my appveyor.yml so others can benefit from my pain. I couldn’t get $(configuration) (and the like) to work, so I ended by hand pasting values like Release.

If you’re a AppVeyor expert, I’m open to suggests on making it better.

version: 1.0.{build}
  - macos-mojave
  - Visual Studio 2019
  - x64
  - Release
  game_name: MyGameName

  fast_finish: true

        - image: macos-mojave
      - path: _Build/XCode/build/Release
        name: $(game_name)-mac-Release
        type: zip
      provider: S3
      access_key_id: [REDACTED]
        secure: [REDACTED]
      bucket: [REDACTED]
      region: us-west-2
      unzip: true
      set_public: false
      folder: appveyor/$(game_name)/Mac
      artifact: $(game_name)-mac-Release
      - sh: Bin/ --xcode
      - sh: cmake --build _Build/XCode --config Release

        - image: Visual Studio 2019
      - path: _Build/VS16/Release
        name: $(game_name)-win-Release
        type: zip
      provider: S3
      access_key_id: [REDACTED]
        secure: [REDACTED]
      bucket: [REDACTED]
      region: us-west-2
      unzip: true
      set_public: false
      folder: appveyor/$(game_name)/Windows
      artifact: $(game_name)-win-Release
     - cmake -G "Visual Studio 16 2019" -A x64 -S . -B "_Build/VS16"
      project: _Build/VS16/$(game_name).sln
      parallel: true
      verbosity: minimal

  - provider: Webhook
    url: https://[REDACTED].php?build_status_appveyor=Succeeded
    method: GET
    on_build_success: true
    on_build_failure: false

  - provider: Webhook
    url: https://[REDACTED].php?build_status_appveyor=Failed
    method: GET
    on_build_success: false
    on_build_failure: true
Dec 7, 2020

Two side-by-side articles in my news reader from the same site.

Nov 28, 2020

I remember the first time I read this I just chuckled. That was 10 years ago and the myth keeps going. It’s been printed (well, web printed) so many times that it is slowly going to become fact and I want to set the world straight.

What is true

During the early days of Monkey Island I didn’t have a name for Guybrush. We just called him the “guy”.

When Steve Purcell was doing concepts for “the guy” he was doing them in dpaint. In dpaint you could select a section of the screen called a “brush” and save it out.

It was these files I got from Steve. I saw the file names so many times that the name “guybrush” stuck.

What is NOT true

I have seen multiple places recount this story (most recently) but they get one fact wrong.

The file I would get from Steve was called guybrush.lbm not guy.brush. All artwork on Monkey Island was done on the PC under MSDOS. MSDOS had a limit of three letters for filename extensions. It could not have been .brush. One of three things is going wrong here.

  1. People are forgetting or never knew that MSDOS had a three letter file extension limit and the files dpaint saved out where .lbm or .bbm files.


  1. The Amiga allowed longer filename extensions and people assumed we did art on the Amiga. We did not. It was all done on MSDOS using dpaint or dpaint animator.


  1. It makes a better story and screw the facts. Facts are so 2015.

If you read this incorrect fact anywhere, please direct them to this link.

[1] For Monkey Island 1 all the art was gone in dpaint on MSDOS. For Monkey Island 2, the backgrounds were scanned on a Mac using Photoshop 1.0 and then moved to a PC and finished on dpaint.